Comment Policy

We do our best to ensure that our blog discussions are free of provocation, offence and spam, but we are not omnipresent. The comments section should be a great place for interaction with readers and people interested in the blog's themes and, why not, for generating stimulating conversations.

To make this possible and to ensure that each of our visitors feels welcome, we ask you to follow the following recommendations:

- Be polite - don't be rude and respect others.

Remember that there is a person behind the computer monitor or mobile phone and that your words can affect people.

- Do not offend or criticise others gratuitously.

All constructive criticism is welcome here, but comments that do not add value to the discussions or are merely insulting will be deleted without exception.

- Spam? Any messages which suggest that they are spam will simply be deleted.

The recommendations made can be summed up as common sense and moderation. That is what we ask of you as a conduct. If the recommendations are not followed, we will be forced to remove your comments, and possibly ban you from participating in future discussions.

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